Saturday, September 24, 2011

Edge of Reason

"Happiness is possible. Even when you're 33 and buttocks as big as bowling balls... :)"
Bridget Jones movie. Not even sure if it was the Edge of Reason. Was only able to see the movie towards the end. But I loved it! Maybe because I can relate to it?? Haha! I am 33 but the bowling balls? Maybe not a ten-pin..:)
Chubby lead actresses, not so usual and having the time of her life.. I enjoyed it! Renee having plumped up for the role. Amazing! Yes, it may very well be easy gaining those pounds but was it easy shedding them after the movie??
I have always been thin as a child. Had a big problem with my arms in High School. They were so thin I had to wear long-sleeves almost always. I didn't think it was proportionate to my body.
But I wish I could have it all back! Thin,slim arms.. Trim hips and abs..where did that time go??
Must be age. The 30 something crisis. There was a time I could eat all I want not worrying or needing to count the calories... a lot of other things we are "concerned" about now, as we age. No, not the word "worry". Lines to your forehead,remember?
Showed a recent picture of me to Edman and asked him if I looked fat. Before he answered,he embraced me and said, "Ma, I can't tell you the truth..." and ofcourse, the truth hurts.. Had a hard time trying not to laugh! My son loves me.:)
As I look at my beer-belly,I see it all had a reason. My tummy is because of my Tommy and my Edman. My round hips are for when I have to carry them. My arms are to sustain their weight. Justifications,ok,yes!
Don't get me wrong. I don't mind it that much. What is important is that my children see through me, they love me... in any form or shape I take. I believe that my family and friends don't mind it that much either. Maybe it's just me.
Even as our metabolism rate drops, there are too many things we can still be happy about. We'll find out soon enough that it far outweighs... our weight!

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