Saturday, September 24, 2011

Take Care of the Minutes

It can be a bit overwhelming that you are starting a new year…
What with all the resolutions, plans, dreams..
Weeks before the first day of 2010, I had this feeling of excitement.. I can’t explain it! I just am excited. Call it intuition or gut-feel, I know that something good is going to come this year. Positive thinking?!
I don’t know if I thought this way last year. I have no idea. Maybe not.
So what is it with this year or with any other year that had just begun?
Maybe this time, I am not too afraid of what’s in store for me and my children’s future. . or that if I made mistakes before, I know that there are still second chances, or third??
I am not afraid anymore. (I know my strength comes from you, Lord..)
My eyes are wide open now. I know I should overlook those holes. My favorite poem (Portia Nelson) from Jasper keeps me on track. I have to get on with the 4th and 5th chapters soon.
Good friends and family keep me going. I am so blessed and I thank God for them!!
One day at a time. “Take care of the minutes and the hours and the years will take care of themselves”.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! God be with all of us every second.. 

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