Saturday, September 24, 2011

On The Clouds

I'm on the plane again...

It's usually during these times that I put my thoughts to paper, put my mind at ease. For a while at least. :)

It's also in these times that I realize that my life is not anymore in my hands..(Here I go again, worrying how the plane is going to carry us all passengers across with the poor weather).

I try to calm myself by saying a little prayer. I am at peace. I appreciate the silence.

I think about my kids, who said goodbye to me this morning...countless times with wet, sloppy, heavenly kisses...(that just placed a smile on my face as I wrote those lines).

I look out the window and I see the vast green landscape, so much like those in the movies I've watched. Tuscany.

In a few moments, I will be on the clouds. The wonder of technology..and the awesome wonder of God's creation.

How easily you can get lost in its beauty.

Brought back to reality when I heard the plane's crew announcing the start of its inflight game. (Hmm, yes Cebu Pac). And would you know? It was my seatmate who won a prize! She said it was the first time she ever joined the game.

I told her that my shyness (?) takes over and even if I knew the answer I wouldn't dare raise my hand...

Doesn't hurt to talk to strangers once-in-awhile...share the joy...spread the cheerfulness. LIFE IS GOOD!

A familiar thud and the plane's landing gear is in its place. I look outside and see evidence of El Nino..unfamiliar surrounding.

A few more days to go before I'm home...

April 28, 2010

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