Saturday, September 24, 2011

Oz Girl

That’s how my friend,Jean,calls me now…:) Oz for Ozamiz, Misamis Occidental. It’s exhirilating being and living in a new place. The people,the environment,the culture…everything is invigorating. But nothing beats the feeling of trying out something you’ve never done before. Like putting up your OWN business! It’s really small. For the masses.(Not to sound condescending in any way). I love it. Not too much capital, not too many risks. It’s just right.

My stayout helper,Manang Lita,is my "ra-ra" person here. When I’m not doing anything at home, she reminds me. "What about that business,Ma’am?" Oh,yes! Then I return to action.

Right now,I have just finished brainstorming with her at the dining table. We are going to sell cart-food. I have absolutely no idea how to start but "small steps at a time" as my eldest son would say. Ofcourse, those are my own words echoing to me…

I believe that for a new place to welcome you, you must also welcome and love it with all your heart. And I do, I am an official Ozgirl. :)

Addie, Nov. 9, 2006, Ozamiz City

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